Over the last 25 years, StarPoint has delivered almost 2.5x the return of REITs, over 2.5x the return of the S&P 500, and over 4x the return of 10 years Treasury bonds
All Equity (2)
Treasury (2)
(2) Source: BlackRock Investment Institute 10-year forward projections as of April 2022
All investments involve risk. Past performance is not indicative of future results and there can be no assurance that the future performance of any specific investment, investment strategy, or product will be profitable, equal any corresponding indicated historical performance level(s), be suitable for your portfolio or individual situation, or prove successful.
About StarPoint
For nearly three decades, StarPoint has remained a true leader and opportunity creator within the real estate industry.

The StarPoint Focus
StarPoint’s creative and intelligent approach to real estate investing allows the firm to take advantage of attractive areas of investments: Opportunity Zones, Core, Value-add, and Opportunistic assets.
StarPoint’s ESG Impact
StarPoint takes an active and impactful ESG approach through housing generation, job creation, minority support, and implementation of environmental and energy efficient building solutions.
Alongside our traditional investments, StarPoint’s ESG efforts are even more prominent in our Opportunity Zone investments, spurring economic improvements and growth into less-fortunate U.S. regions.

